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A delegation from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin visited and jointly signed a MOU with CAFA
A delegation from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin visited and jointly signed a MOU with CAFA

On October 30, 2023, a delegation led by Mikhailo Xiey M. Ilyich from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin in Russia visited the Central Academy of Fine Arts. They engaged in discussions with CAFA President Lin Mao about cooperation between the two institutions in various areas, including teaching, research, artistic creation, exhibitions, and cultural exchange.

Lin Mao extended a warm welcome to the delegation from the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Ilya Repin and highlighted the longstanding history of collaboration between the two schools, which has yielded fruitful results. In recent years, the cooperation has deepened through various forms of exchange and collaboration. He emphasized that the current period is a peak in Sino-Russian cultural exchange and that deepening this cooperation holds significant meaning. He expressed his hope that the discussions held that day would lead to the establishment of new collaborative projects between the two institutions, fostering mutual learning in teaching and talent development.

Mikhailo Xiey M. Ilyich expressed gratitude for the warm reception at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and emphasized the importance of deep collaboration between the two schools for Sino-Russian cultural exchange and mutual enlightenment. He suggested that both sides should engage in more cultural exchanges, enhancing teaching quality through activities like student exhibitions, faculty exchanges, the establishment of master workshops, and student exchanges. With the upcoming Year of Sino-Russian Cultural Exchange, the collaboration between the two schools is expected to inject new vitality into cultural and educational exchanges, becoming a new engine for cultural exchange.

After the meeting, both parties jointly signed a memorandum of cooperation. The signing of this memorandum signifies a new phase in the collaboration between the two institutions. Subsequently, on behalf of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Lin Mao presented an honorary professorship certificate to President Mikhailo Xiey M. Ilyich, recognizing his contributions and expertise.

Qiu Zhijie, Vice President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Wang Chuan,Director of the International Office, Yuan Yuan,Head of the Department of Oil Painting, Kong Liang, Director of the Printmaking Department,Zhang Wei,Head of the Sculpture Department,Tang Hui,Head of the Mural Department, Zhang Zikang, Director of CAFA Art Gallery, and Sun Tao, Director of the National Thematic Art Creation Research Center, accompanied the meeting.

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