Li Jun


Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts and Dean of the School of Humanities. Member of the 8th Art Theory Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degree Office of the State Council. Art Historian of Italian Renaissance, in recent years, has advocated the use of Transcultural art history methodology to study the exchange and interaction of culture and art in Eurasia, between China and Europe. Visiting scholar at the Université de Paris I, the Institut National du Patrimoine de France and the Art History Department of Harvard University, fellow at the Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies (Florence), visiting professor at the University of Bologna, Italy. Published monographs such as "A Transcultural History of Art: On Image and Its Doubles ", "A Visible History of Art: From Church to Museum", "Through Theory and History: Selected Works by Li Jun", "Hesitation Before Birth: New Interpretation of Franz Kafka" Etc.; Translation publications such as "Les Visions de Raphael" ,from French into Chinese, "Religion as Art: A Philosophical Interpretation", from English into Chinese etc.; co-author of "Eight Days Talk-Can We Get the Pulse of Art?" ; Editor-in-chief "Annals of Transcultural History of Art, Vol 1: Two Ways to Tell a Story", " Annals of Transcultural History of Art, Vol 2: How was the ‘Europe’ made?", and Translation Series:   “Eye and Mind: A New Vision of Art History " (2013-) Etc.; as the chief curator of large-scale international exhibitions such as "Finding A Homeland at the End of the World: The Transcultural Exchanges and Interactions between China and Italy from the 13th to 16th Century", "Embracing the Orient and the Occiden: When the Silk Road Meets the Renaissance". The papers and works won the third prize (2015), first prize (2020) of the Seventh and Eighth University Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Awards (Humanities and Social Sciences), the fifth China Publishing Government Award Nomination Award (2021), the 19th "Golden Bull Cup" Art Book Gold Award (2021).